19 April 2013 Issue 2
FEDS’ tried and tested business model pro-actively connects
Governments, Business and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) with an
inter-dependent information resource as well as a communication forum
that incorporates the print and digital platforms.
Since its launch in 1997 in Pretoria, South Africa, FEDS has established
itself as the lead facilitator of the diplomatic opinion.
This African connection links the two regions of Africa and Asia
considered to be the key economic growth regions. The multi-media
publication focused on tourism, trade and investment highlights the
people to people interactions that bring about bi-lateral and
multi-lateral exchanges ultimately increasing economic activity.
Having unique access and reach to this influential audience has
created greater awareness of the work of the diplomatic mission. The
diversity of nations of the world has been showcased and the exchange of
goods and services have been transacted through innovative advertising
and promotion campaigns.
To join the Asia experience visit www.thediplomaticsociety.asia
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Source : www.thediplomaticsociety.asia
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